“Your Life on ‘The List’: Edition 3”,’s long-awaited registry survival guide, is available now, and updated in January 2023. The Free PDF version is available using a tab on the front/main page of this website. Print versions can be ordered from for $14.95 plus shipping and sales tax (CLICK HERE TO BUY PRINT COPY)

Once Fallen’s Informational CorrLinks Newsletter (The ICoN) — UPDATED 2 JULY 2024

About the ICoN

The Informational CorrLinks Newsletter (aka ICoN) is a FREE, text-only newsletter that can be sent to inmates who have access to CorrLinks, an email system currently used in federal prisons as well as some state or military prisons. Corrlinks does not allow people to send PDF files or pictures, and has a 12,500 CHARACTER (not word, but letter, number, punctuation and space count), making traditional newsletters difficult to send via emails. This is why Once Fallen has worked, in cooperation with prisoners who have access to CorrLinks, to create a newsletter with CorrLinks users specifically in mind.

NOTE: Because I’m a one-person operation that receives almost no financial support whatsoever, I do not have a mailing list. BUT, you can scroll down, download ICoN issues, print them up, and send them to those currently incarcerated without asking me permision to do so. 

Inside the ICoN

The ICoN’s mission is to keep incarcerated “sex offenders” (“SOs”) informed of important news and other information related to treatment and about the laws the may face upon reentry into society. These are the kinds of articles you’ll find in the newsletter:

  • Inmate Sound-off: Inmate-submitted letters and thoughts
  • Legal Round-up: Brief summaries of important legal decisions impacting sex offenders
  • Q&A: Inmate questions answered
  • Activist Central: News from sex offense law reform activism
  • Treatment News: News related to treatment
  • Treatment & Activist Contacts: Contact info for treatment and activism organizations

In addition, Once Fallen will answer inmate inquiries and offer some information whenever possible. Once Fallen DOES NOT provide attorney services for appeals/ lawyer referrals/ legal aid/ sentencing issues or people finder/ penpal/ mail forwarding functions, but will try to assist inmates in obtaining useful info as much as possible. Due to limited resources, I suggest downloading back issues and sending them to loved ones rather than request I send them info to save on time and costs.


CORRLINKS USERS can email me directly at in order to automatically receive new ICoNs once they are released. Due to the massive size of my Corrlinks network and because I’m a one-person operation, I no longer offer back-issue service via Corrlinks. 

NOTICE FOR NON-FEDERAL PRISONERS: As of March 2021, I can only send ICoN newsletters by Corrlinks email to those in Federal Prisons due to costs to state inmates; WI charges $0.10 and OR charges $0.25 per email so I can’t send these states regularly. I can still answer emails but I won’t be sending out regular newsletters to Corrlinks Users in non-federal prisons until further notice.

I DO NOT HAVE A PHYSICAL MAILING LIST FOR THE ICON. These newsletters are offered on this page, free of charge. If you are the loved one of a prisoner, you work with prisoners, or the pen-pal of a prisoner, you can download and print past issues of the ICoN for free without asking me for permission. Keep scrolling to find them. 


The ICoN is intellectual property of Once Fallen (Derek W. Logue) and the use of the newsletter is intended for personal, non-commercial use (i.e., any use EXCEPT for-profit publication). The ICoN is freely disseminated to anyone who wants a copy. Once Fallen DOES NOT CHARGE for the electronic version of ICoN, so let us know if any organization or person is charging for this newsletter (outside cost of paper and postage).

However, Once Fallen WILL request compensation for any requests for information by mail, as it costs money for paper and postage. Generally, I merely ask inmates with requests send stamps to cover mailing costs and expect to wait between 2-8 weeks for any special requests by mail. See my CONTACT ME page for my contact info.


If you were sent to this page from a prisoner seeking various resources specific to those convicted of sex offenses, the most popular requested resources that I print out and ship are listed below. I print copies of the Relief From the Registry and the Registry/ Residency Laws spreadsheets at a cost of two stamps per spreadsheet. If you print them yourself, I suggest you set your printer to double-sided printing and “Fit to Page” to save space. I strongly urge you to order (or download for free off the font page) a copy of “Your Life on The List” by Derek Logue, since the most commonly requested data is discussed in greater detail in my book. 

  • “Your life on ‘The List’: Edition 3: This survival guide from is the definitive guide for those new to living as a Person Forced to Register on the public sex offense registry. YLOTL3 contains summaries of primary needs of those newly added to the registry and prisoner resources. Your Life on The list also contains info from all of the other resources listed below, including the housing list and an exhaustive 50 state and US Territory summary of post-conviction sex offense laws including registration, community notification, residency/ proximity laws, relief from the registry, and other laws. See the notice at the top of the page for ordering details or CLICK HERE to order a print copy.
  • Relief From the Registry Spreadsheet released by the Collateral Consequences Resource Center (CCRC)The website has released a spreadsheet of laws that provide relief from the public sex offense registry. (Most of the info won’t help an inmate but gives some hope of getting off the registry in the future.) You can download the info by CLICKING HERE. The CCRC has similar spreadsheets on other useful info, such as a spreadsheet on voting/ jury duty/ firearms/ public office restoration rights, so visit their site for more resources to print/ download.
  • RTAG Travel Matrix: The Registrant Travel Action Group (RTAG) has created a “Travel Matrix” in an attempt to aid registrants planning international travel. The link to this service can be found by CLICKING HERE.
  • OnceFallen Housing List and House Hunting Tips: I maintain an extensive housing list with a few tips for finding housing as a registered citizen. Access it by CLICKING HERE
  • Once Fallen Suggested Reading list: Seeking a list of books to send to prisoners? Then go to the Recommended reading list by CLICKING HERE


I receive a lot of inmate mail, and many write in hopes of getting stories published. I DO NOT offer inmate story publishing at this time; running even one blog on behalf of a single prisoner has taken a lot of my time. Thankfully, the “American Prison Writing Archive” is publishing prisoner essays, having published over 2000 essays to date. Since I have neither the time nor the resources to engage in a similar project, I encourage you to send your essays to:  American Prison Writing Archive, Johns Hopkins University, 3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218 or visit


Below are introduction letters I send when prisoners first request to be added to my Corrlinks newsletter list. 

  • “INTRO TO THE ICoN” — Vol. 0 (Provides introduction to the newsletter and to the services I offer to incarcerated persons)
    (Latest Update, 09/02/23) — CLICK HERE
  • Intro To OnceFallen (WI Version): A notice specifically for WI Corrlinks Users (Updated 04/03/24) — CLICK HERE
  • WISCONSIN SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATIONAL PACKET: (Most Recent Update, 04/03/24) This 20-page packet contains most frequently requested information by WI prisoners, including housing leads, a summary of the state law, rules for supervision, lifetime GPS, polygraphs, and info on civil commitment. CLICK HERE FOR THE WI PACKET
  • ICoN Legal Roundup List: For those only interested in the case summaries featured in the ICoN “Legal Roundup” sections from 2015-2022 — CLICK HERE


See below for all past ICoNs published since it was created in 2015. Individual issues of the ICoN are posted here every month and made available as a Word Document for 2 years. Every six months, I create a “consolidated” version combines six months’ worth of issues, from January to June and from July to December of each year. However, the Consolidated newsletters contain all the non-time dated announcements; only time-sensitive announcements are not added to consolidated newsletters. See below for past individual and consolidated newsletters. While individual newsletters are offered as Word Documents (.docx files, making them easier to copy-paste to emails), consolidated newsletters are in PDF format.

Individual newsletters before 2021 were deleted but the consolidated newsletters are never deleted. HOWEVER, before printing out older newsletters, please note that many important articles from previous editions were used to create “Your Life on The List: Edition 3” by Derek Logue, the registry survival guide. Also, some legal cases could’ve been reversed, and the passage of new laws may invalidate discussions in older articles, Still, I offer the old newsletters for the sake of those seeking a specific article I have written in the past. 


  • #106, 8/24 (Impact of SCOTUS overturning the 1984 Chevron case) — COMING SOON
  • #105, 7/24 (Civil Statutes of Limitation) – CLICK HERE

Vol. 2023A: January to June 2024 (Covers #99 to #104) – CLICK HERE FOR CONSOLIDATED NEWSLETTER

  • #104, 6/24 (ETIAS Update) — CLICK HERE
  • #103, 5/24 (Internet IDs & Anonymous Speech) — CLICK HERE
  • #102, 4/24 (HOAs) — CLICK HERE
  • #101, 3/24 (No Hopes vs Too Much Hopes”) — CLICK HERE
  • #100, 2/24 (Milestones) — CLICK HERE
  • #99, 1/24 (Insurance & Travel Services Survey, Treatment Costs) — CLICK HERE


VOL. 2023B: July to December 2023 (Covers #93 to #98)CLICK HERE

  • #98, 12/23 (Measuring “Success”) — CLICK HERE
  • #97, 11/23 (New Scam, Smart Tech & RPs on Paper) — CLICK HERE
  • #96, 10/23 (Philanthropy as an RP) — CLICK HERE
  • #95, 9/23 (Win in FL, Tier Levels) — CLICK HERE
  • #94, 8/23 (Rural vs Urban Life as RP, New Book Review) — CLICK HERE
  • #93, 7/23 (Defining “Day”, Visiting Nat’l Parks) — CLICK HERE

Vol. 2023A: January to June 2023 (Covers #87 to #92) — CLICK HERE

  • #92, 6/23 (Vigilante Fact & Fiction, Using Gyms) — CLICK HERE
  • #91, 5/23 (Understanding “Stochastic Terrorism” used against RPs) — CLICK HERE
  • #90, 4/23 (Isolation as an RP, Review of DC Vigil, Emigration Issues) — CLICK HERE
  • #89, 3/23 (Using a “Pen Name” as an RP) — CLICK HERE
  • #88, 2/23 (Results from activist survey, New scams) — CLICK HERE
  • #87, 1/23 (When people say, “Like it or Leave It”) — CLICK HERE

Vol. 2022B: July to Dec. 2022 (Covers #81 to #86) — CLICK HERE

  • #85, 11/22 (“Unconstitutional” Defined, More rules for RCs) — CLICK HERE
  • #84, 10/22 (Return of SRA Panic, TX Protest) — CLICK HERE
  • #83, 9/22 (Fed Supervision; New Scam Alert) — CLICK HERE
  • #82, 8/22 (Europe Travel News, Prepping) — CLICK HERE
  • #81, 7/22 (No SOs Allowed) — CLICK HERE

Vol. 2022A: Jan. to June 2022 (Covers #75 to #80) — CLICK HERE

Issues included in Vol. 2022A:

  • #80, 6/22 (More treatment news, Can an RC be a landlord?) — CLICK HERE
  • #79, 5/22 (Social Media Concerns, Staying Strong, TX Protest) — CLICK HERE
  • #78, 4/22 (On Treatment) — CLICK HERE
  • #77, 03/22 (On Labels & Punishment) — CLICK HERE
  • #76, 02/22 (SORNA Rule Changes) — CLICK HERE
  • #75, 01/22 (1st Step in Activism, Why the ALI Penal Code Changes matter) — CLICK HERE

Vol. 2021B: July to Dec. 2021 (Covers #69 to #74) — CLICK HERE

Issues included in Vol. 2021B:

  • #74, 12/21 (“Your Mileage May Vary”, New Registry Scam) — CLICK HERE
  • #73, 11/21 (Discrepency Found In Nat’l Registry, States That Do Not List 100% Of RCs Publicly) — CLICK HERE
  • #72, 10/21 (In need of a new strategy) — CLICK HERE
  • #71, 9/21 (Moving to a new jurisdiction, Can an RC have body armor) — CLICK HERE
  • #70, 8/21 (State Level Pardons, MN rally against civil commitment) — CLICK HERE
  • #69, 7/21 (Presidential Pardons) — CLICK HERE

Vol. 2021A: Jan. to June 2021 (Covers #63 to #68) — CLICK HERE

Issues included in Vol. 2021A:

  • #68, 6/21 (The 6 worst states for RCs) — CLICK HERE
  • #67, 5/21 (arrested for registering a day late, trucking as an RC) — CLICK HERE
  • #66, 4/21 (Court rulings on Internet bans for those on supervision) — CLICK HERE
  • #65, 3/21 (MSOP Hunger Strike, New registry-related scams) — CLICK HERE
  • #64, 2/21 (FAC on Anti-Registry Activism) — CLICK HERE
  • #63, 1/21 (What new presidency means for Anti-Registry Activism) — CLICK HERE

Vol. 2020B: July to Dec. 2020 (Covers #57 to #62) — CLICK HERE

Issues included in Vol. 2020B:

  • #62, 12/20 (Review of Tiers/ Levels under SORNA)
  • #61, 11/20 (Impact of RGB’s death, Volunteering)
  • #60, 10/20 (Self-Defense as RC)
  • #59, 9/20 (State ID/Driver’s License Laws review)
  • #58, 8/20 (COVID-19 and RCs)
  • #57, 7/20 (Federal Supervision Transfers)

Vol. 2020A: Jan. to June 2020 (Covers #51 to #56) — CLICK HERE

Issues included in Vol. 2020A:

  • #56, 6/20 (Compliance check rights when living with others)
  • #55: 5/20 (Social Media and RCs)
  • #54: 4/20 (Parental Rights Part 2)
  • #53: 3/20 (Parental Rights Part 1)
  • #52: 2/20 (INMATE SUBMISSION: Statute 2252A: The wrongful conviction?)
  • #51: 1/20 (CPS/ Compliance Investigation Rights, “Better Off Dead” name change)

Vol. 2019B: July to Dec. 2019 (Covers #45 to #50) — CLICK HERE

Issues included in Vol. 2019B:

  • #50, 12/19 (Halloween/ Holiday Restrictions)
  • #49, 11/19 (Church Issues, Nebraska Activism News, FBI Secret Ruling)
  • #48, 10/19 (Interstate Compact, more on First Step Act)
  • #47, 9/19 (Welfare/ Government Assistance, more First Step Act news)
  • #46, 8/19 (ARM at the SMART Symposium, Myth busting, more on First Step Act)
  • #45, 7/19 (Modifying/ Removing Federal Supervised Release Conditions)

Vol. 2019A: Jan. to June 2019 (Covers #39 to #44) — CLICK HERE

Issues included in Vol. 2019A:

  • #44, 6/19 (Moving to a new state, doctrine of vested rights)
  • #43, 5/19 (Video Gaming while on the registry)
  • #42, 4/19 (Self-Monitoring to Protect Against False Accusations)
  • #41, 3/19 (Interstate Travel, Overt Act Defined)
  • #40, 2/19 (Writing Legislators, A note on 18 USC 2252a)
  • #39, 1/19 (First Step Act, Farm Bill Final Reports)

Vol. 2018B: July to Dec. 2018 (Covers #33 to #38) — CLICK HERE

Issues included in Vol. 2018B:

  • #38, 12/18 (Static-99, Voting Rights)
  • #37, 11/18 (Plethysmographs, Renter Discrimination Tactics)
  • #36, 10/18 (2018 Farm Bill, Polygraphs, ARM Art Protest review)
  • #35, 9/18 (Treatment Issues Part 1: Good Treatment)
  • #34, 8/18 (CP charge for pic of 17 yr old gf, why registry is growing)
  • #33, 7/18 (Gundy v US Preview, OSU Baseball player is a second chance story)

Vol. 2018A: Jan. to June 2018 (Covers #27 to #32) — CLICK HERE

Issues included in Vol. 2018A:

  • #32, 6/18 (SO Employment law in CA, DLE Interstate Travel Inquiry)
  • #31, 5/18 (RC dad wins fight to see sick son in a children’s hospital)
  • #30, 4/18 (Retaliation bill for Coalinga Civ Comm voters, activist loses 1st Amdt case)
  • #29, 3/18 (MN Activist beats RRs, Man beats Backpage sting case, released 297 yrs early)
  • #28, 2/18 (Civil Commitment for non-existent crime, More Scams)
  • #27, 1/18 (Billboard suit dismissed, new resources for inmates)

Vol. 2017B: July to Dec. 2017 (Covers #21 to #26) — CLICK HERE

Issues included in Vol. 2017B:

  • #26, 12/17 (IML and Travel updates, PA Law chaos)
  • #25, 11/17 (US Virgin Islands Laws)
  • #24, 10/17 (Hurricanes Pt. 2, American Samoa Laws)
  • #23, 9/17 (US Mariana Islands, Hurricanes)
  • #22, 8/17 (Guam; “We’re All Criminals Together”)
  • #21, 7/17 (Puerto Rico, OSU player on Registry)

Vol. 2017A: Jan. to June 2017(Covers #15 to #20) — CLICK HERE

Issues included in Vol. 2017A:

  • #20, 6/17: (Registry Fees)
  • #19, 5/17: (AWA and Visa Issues)
  • #18, 4/17 (Registry Scams)
  • #17, 3/17 (LOVING AN SO)
  • #16, 2/17 (NC Lawsuits)
  • #15, 1/17 (Right to vote)

Vol. 2016B: July to Dec. 2016 (Covers #9 to #14) — CLICK HERE

Issues included in Vol. 2016B:

  • #14, Dec. 2016 (Living your “best life”)
  • #13, Nov. 2016 (Real ID, Halloween and Hurricane issues)
  • #12, Oct. 2016 (Pokemon Go, Brock Turner case)
  • #11, Sept. 2016 (International Travel)
  • #10, August 2016 (Report on the Oakland Protest)
  • #9, July 2016 (Oakland Protest Announcement)

ICoN Vol. 2016A: Jan. to July 2016 (Covers #5 to #8)CLICK HERE

Issues included in Vol. 2016A:

  • #8, June 2016 (Study: 1% of Blacks on Registry)
  • #7, May 2016 (Bipolar Kansas Supreme Court cases)
  • #6, March/ April 2016 (Employment Survey Summary)
  • #5 Jan/ Feb 2016 (Civil Commitment Blowback)

ICoN Vol. 2015 (Covers #1 to #4)CLICK HERE

Issues included in Vol. 2015

  • #1: May/ June 2015 (Food stamps, Rally news)
  • #2: July/ Aug. 2015 (Civil Commitment, Smith v Doe challenge)
  • #3: Sept./ Oct. 2015 (FAMM campaign, Smith v Doe’s “Frightening & High” claim)
  • #4 Nov./ Dec. 2015 (Getting your ID card, Registry “Like a cancer”)